Pro Bone-O
Pet Dispute
Fighting over a pet after a break-up?
Want to make sure you have rights over your pet in case of a break-up?
Our law students are here to help!
Who We Are

The Pro Bone-o Pet Dispute Clinic is a free clinic run by law students at the Lincoln Alexander School of Law, Toronto Metropolitan University. We are here to help pet parents in the GTA.
Under the guidance of faculty advisors and volunteer family law lawyers from the community, our law students provide legal information and referral services to people who are navigating pet-related disputes with their former partners.
Our law students have received legal education and specialized training on client-intake processes, Alternative Dispute Resolution, trauma-informed lawyering, and more. Many members of the Pro Bone-o Pet Dispute Clinic team are pet parents themselves and will navigate your pet disputes as though the pets involved were our own.
What We Do

We offer free 30-minute consultations during which we provide legal information and referral services.
Our website provides informative blogs about pet-related topics such as determining whether you and your partner should get a pet, the wisdom of pets as gifts, the advantages of pet mediation, new pet custody laws in British Columbia, why you should consider keeping two pets together after a relationship split, and more! Please check back as we strive to post new blogs often.
Note: The Pet Dispute Clinic will not be providing services in the area of traditional animal law but we share complementary interests with that practice area.


Why We Do It
Members of the Pro Bone-o Pet Dispute Clinic observed an increase of pet disputes especially in the wake of the pandemic. There is an access to justice gap in this area as legal costs can be prohibitive and there is minimal legislation on how pets are allocated in family law since they are not viewed as sentient beings.
When We Operate
To book a consultation, please fill out our brief intake form and one of our specially trained law students will contact you to set up an appointment.
Upcoming Clinic Dates:
Saturday February 22, 2025 9:00am - 1:00pm
Saturday March 29, 2025 9:00am - 1:00pm
Saturday April 26, 2025 9:00am - 1:00pm
Friends of the Pro Bone-o Pet Dispute Clinic
